There are two species of Gorillas, the Eastern Gorilla and the Western Gorilla. Both have several subspecies.
Habitat, feeding, anatomy, reproduction, communication, distribution, evolution and all the information about gorillas.
The Eastern Gorilla is considered endangered and the Western Gorilla is considered critically endangered.
Introduction to Gorillas
In the impenetrable forest jungles of the lowlands and highlands of Africa, there are fascinating creatures. For a long time were a myth more than reality, but today everyone knows the gorillas.
No primate exceeds in size and magnificence to these animals. They are bigger than chimpanzees, orangutans, and gibbons, therefore, they have the title of “the largest primates in the world”. They also are very close relatives to humans, as millions of years ago they shared, along with chimpanzees, a common ancestor, and that is why they have some similar characteristics to us, such as a relatively large brain compared to its body and opposable thumbs.
From the scientific perspective, gorillas are tailless primates belonging to the family Hominidae and genus Gorilla. About 7 million years ago, their ancestors split from other primates known as the “great apes.” This group also includes chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans.

Their habits are fascinating. Have you seen some gorillas that have silver hair on his back? Males acquire this color when they become mature adults, which have earned them the name of “silverback”.
These majestic individuals become leaders of a group of gorillas, constituted by adult females and their offspring. Silverback gorillas have many obligations as they are responsible for the welfare of their group.
But not all gorillas are the same. There are two species, the western gorilla, and the eastern gorilla, separated by the Congo River. They live in the jungles and tropical forests, where their preferred food proliferates: leaves, stems, fruits, flowers and other plants. When they are not traveling or seeking food, they build comfortable nests on trees or on the ground for resting.
Interesting Gorilla Facts
- An adult male gorilla consumes approximately 18 to 20 kilos of food every day, which represents 10 percent of its weight.
- The oldest gorilla on record is a female named Colo, who lives in the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. She was born in 1956, so now is reaching 65 years old.
- Mountain gorillas do not take much water after food because they live in a cold area and their body does a good job of conserving water.
- More gorilla facts…